Friday, January 22, 2010

Hey! Did you see American Idol?

Have you noticed how wrapped up we get in national and international affairs?

Obama, Pelosi, Russia, terrorism, Mexican immigrants, France, Haiti, Venezuela.

I came up with a saying a few years ago while engaged in a heated and lengthy verbal war with the then mayor of my hometown...the federal government may make rules, laws and regulations which may or may not affect my life but, my local government makes rules which affect my life on a daily basis.

We get so caught up in Fox, CNN, MSNBC and others that we forget to read the hometown newspaper or listen to the local radio station and therefore have no idea of what is happening right under our collective noses. This is a larger danger to our freedoms than any amount of terrorism or national politics, as bad as they may be.

I am friends with a lot of young people in my current town of residence from their late teens through late 20's. I think of them affectionately as "my kids". I love them but sometimes am dis-heartened by how little they know.

They know all about Obama and Iraq and Terrorists, yet don't know who the mayor or council members of this small town of 2000 are.

You might think this to be a condemnation of the educational system. Oh, no, it isn't. It's a revelation of the designs put upon our land from the "powers-that-be".

It's more of that governing "from the top down" I spoke about previously. Get them so wrapped up in the big picture that they don't see the small things happening within the picture.

I've seen rate increases in things like trash removal and water and property taxes and no one bothered to fight it, because they were more concerned if Obama is sending 20 or 30 thousand troops to Afghanistan and it got slid right under their noses before they could do anything about it.

Or maybe it was American Idol, after all.

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